Northeast Portland Guestroom and Bathroom Remodel

This bedroom and bathroom hadn’t been updated in about 4 decades as was evidenced by the incredible, sparkly orange wallpaper and the orange-tiled ceiling. The floor was old wooden planks.

The bathroom was only a half-bath with a weird hole in the wall that led to the closet.

In the bedroom, we removed the wallpaper and ceiling tiles, and covered the plank flooring with Flor carpet tiles. These have the benefit of being low-pile and easy to roll over in a wheelchair, while also being durable and easy to clean or replace.

In the bathroom, we created a roll-in shower with a drain that was flush with the tile and ran the length of the shower stall. In order to expand the bathroom, we actually had to move the wall that adjoined the kitchen. While this only removed a small amount of space from the kitchen, it allowed us to make a fully wheelchair accessible en suite bathroom.

Here’s the end result:

Northeast Portland Four-Square Kitchen

Our clients purchased a gorgeous, early-1900’s, two-story, four-square style house. It was clear that the interior had been altered quite a bit over the years, but it was in need of some major updates. They needed a complete Kitchen remodel because as it was, the kitchen was tiny, dark and incredibly inconvenient. Here’s the before:

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Before pics of the tiny porch kitchen before demo.

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They also needed an update to the dining room area:

A few challenges were that they were looking for an open concept kitchen, that still maintained some separation of the kitchen from the dining room and living rooms, and we needed to make the back door easily accessible by wheelchair. We settled on a design that allowed for easy flow from one room to the next by moving the entry to the kitchen to the other side, which lined up with the back door and created a long cabinet section that gave the illusion of separate spaces. Here’s the final product:

Revictorian’s Alameda House

The folks at Revictorian had a gorgeous house that was in need of a bit of a facelift.They are real do-it-yourselfers so did a lot of the work on this project themselves, but there were a few things that they needed a professional’s help with.

Aaron worked with them to update the look of the front door and window, to recapture some of the original styling of the house.  Here’s the before:

We had nothing to do with the gorgeous paint job, but Aaron was responsible for the new moulding over both the front door and the window.
We built up the doorframe and made custom mouldings to match the windows on the side of the house. The client opted to move the light and replaced it with a brass-and-acorn-shade fixture.
It’s amazing what a vast improvement this change was.
Visit the Revictorian page for more info on this project. All photos courtesy of Valerie Fairlight of